Trading and its contours
Trading is the act of buying and selling stocks for the purpose of earning recurring income. It is done online where financial assets in different market like stocks, currencies, commodities or derivatives; are sold and bought with a view to making money by making a profit through online trading platforms or mobile trading applications made available to traders free of charge on the internet by brokers. Trading is an activity requiring expertise in finance and economic anticipation. Wo is this a trader? A trader is a value trader engaged by a bank, brokerage or investment firm. He is a financier, economic analyst who anticipates stock market fluctuations in order to obtain profits. To become a trader, it is advisable to have at least a bachelor's degree in economics and...

Trading and its contours
Trading is the act of buying and selling stocks for the purpose of earning recurring income. It is done online where financial assets in different market like stocks, currencies, commodities or derivatives; are sold and bought with a view to making money by making a profit through online trading platforms or mobile trading applications made available to traders free of charge on the internet by brokers. Trading is an activity requiring expertise in finance and economic anticipation. Wo is this a trader? A trader is a value trader engaged by a bank, brokerage or investment firm. He is a financier, economic analyst who anticipates stock market fluctuations in order to obtain profits. To become a trader, it is advisable to have at least a bachelor's degree in economics and...

Leisure and entertainment during the Covid-19 period
A leisure is an activity which allows human beings to occupy their time while having fun and thus to turn away from their concerns at a specific time. It is a more or less pleasant occupation which distracts the man from himself and brings him out of him. Since the advent of Covid-19, man has found himself unable to carry out certain activities allowing his emancipation. The advantages of leisure in society. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted in Paris in 1948 by the General Assembly of the United Nations stipulates in its article 24: “everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including a reasonable limitation of working hours. And periodic paid holidays. While rest is the time left after fulfilling work, social or life obligations, leisure is defined as a way of...

In the spotlight
Why choose sightseeing over walking?
Holidays are a good time to go on a sightseeing trip to discover new cities and experiences. A distinction is made between sightseeing and walking tours. This article explains the difference between a sightseeing tour and a walking tour. What is a sightseeing tour? A sightseeing tour is an activity whose main purpose is to move around a city or region to discover interesting places that tourists visit most of the time; hop over to this web-site to find out which cities you can visit during your holiday. Depending on the number of people in the groups, the best transport option is organised...
