Table of contents
Cardiovascular diseases are a major cause of premature death worldwide. Also called heart diseases, they are affections of the heart and blood vessels. These include: arterial hypertension, cardiovascular accidents, heart failure, angina pectoris, arteriosclerosis, myocardial infarction which are the most common.
The causes and risk factors of these diseases.
Heart diseases are generally favored by risk factors. So by acting on these factors, it would be possible to reduce the mortality rate linked to these pathologies both in people who already have one of them. And, also in people whose risk is increased by the presence of one or more additional risk factors. There are thus two categories of taxable persons. Click here to find out more about how cardiovascular diseases are developed.
These factors are: smoking, alcoholism, high cholesterol and blood sugar, high blood pressure, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, family history diabetes, stress, anxiety, depression.
People with established cardiovascular disease are at a very high risk of recurrence. It is therefore necessary to prevent the recurrence of cardiovascular events in order to reduce the cardiovascular risk. Heart diseases can occur and develop in children as a result of a birth defect or in children with childhood obesity. They become a danger for men from 55 years old and 65 years old for women. The onset of heart disease begins in childhood. The plaques gradually accumulate on the walls of the vessels or arteries that supply blood to the point of obstruction over the years.
Manifestations of cardiovascular disease
Although they vary from disease to disease, there are some common symptoms. Heart diseases are often manifested by chest pain, heart palpitations, respiratory congestion preventing sleep, chronic fatigue, dyspnea, shortness of breath. In the case of cardiac angina, there is a strong feeling of tightness, pressurpain, and tightness.
Preventive measures
It is especially important to regularly practice physical activity and to undergo rigorous medical monitoring. So you should avoid the consumption of tobacco and alcohol, change your eating behavior by avoiding the consumption of too salty, too sweet or too fatty meals and have control of your weight.
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